Neha Gajbhiye
Jan 30
Manmohan Singh’s RTE Vision Stabbed by Non-compliant Private Schools and State Governments
In 2010, Dr. Manmohan Singh called the enactment of the Right to Education (RTE) Act a historic moment for India.

Esther Larisa David
Jan 27
Scanners vs Substitutes: The Case For Harm Reduction
Teaching Fellow, Esther David ineffectiveness of baggage scanners for harm reduction and substance abuse

Noor Sabharwal
Jan 25
Balancing Freedoms: Navigating Student Autonomy and Institutional Responsibility
The university’s new gate policy, including elaborate screenings and baggage scanning, has sparked significant dissent among students....

Ali Khan Mahmudabad
Jan 23
Gate 2
Professor Ali Khan writes a poem, Gate 2, in lieu of the new security measures.